The Hero's Journey

Video from Ted-Ed:

"What Makes A Hero?"

The hero's journey is like a cycle with 12 phases. The cycle begins and ends in the ordinary world, but passses through the special world.

The 12 Phases

Status Quo

"That's where we start."-TedEd

Runt, the main character is in Owl's Reach, a city filled with NPC's 1 and players 2 .

1 o'clock: Call to Adventure

There's a note saying "Villages with more than exactly 100 or more doors must send their fifteen best villagers to the capital." And that's including Runt and his friends 3 .

2 o'clock: Assistance

Sir Elric Darkbane, a knight, hence 'Sir', comes and leads Runt and his friends to the capital.

3 o'clock: Departure

Runt and his friends begin to head to the capital, Riding horses under the effect of 'Swiftness III 3 '.

4 o'clock: Trials

They stop at 'The Laughing Cow 4 ' where they meet a strange person who turned out to be a ghoul 5 .

5 o'clock: Approach

They leave 'The Laughing Cow' and continue heading to the capital, passing by Villagetown 6 .

6 o'clock: Crisis

As they stop at Villagetown to say goodbye, heading to the capital is no longer the top priority. The top priority is WAR. The village is half-destroyed, void fires roaring left and right as if it was a lion, smoke rising in the air, and people fighting mobs 7 in a matter of life or death and Runt finds out that Breeze is a Dusk-Elf.

7 o'clock: Treasure

The war is over and the villagers and players win, and there is a feast.

8 o'clock: Result

The villagers and players have to rebuild the parts of the village that were damaged in the war. There won't be another war for a long time hopefully.

9 o'clock: Return

It is announced to all of Villagetown that Breeze and Brio are Dusk Elves.

10 o'clock: New Life

The Critbinger, a name of a legendary sword is slightly repaired and Runt hands the Aeon Forge, an advanced crafting table with a 5x5 grid, to Eeebs, a cat that is not just your ordinary cat...

11 o'clock: Resolution

Privatly beetween Runt And Breeze, Breeze says that they have a relationship, or an "item", and Breeze says, "and a legendary one".

12 o'clock: Status Quo

"But upgraded to a new level"-TedEd

Supposedly, the group are about to head to the capital again, but that happens in the next book. That is, if there is another book. But we don't know.

The Charaters

The one on the left is Breeze A.K.A. Lady Alyss Nightcrest, one of Runt's friends, and the one on the right is Runt Ironfunace,the firstperson narrator.

Runt's other friends include, but not limited to, Nessa Diamondcube A.K.A Lola, Max, his ex-nemisis, Ophelia, Pebble, a ex-bully banished from Villagetown, Emerald, a fresh, serious, sometimes joking, semi-rich villager, and lots more.


Runt comes back from the Tomb of the Forgotten King with Breeze, Pebble, and human S (a player). They trade with Feathers (a shop merchant) for the Aeon Forge (an advanced crafting table that is a 5x5 instead of a 3x3). While they are coming back, they stumble upon a waitress, later revealed as Ophelia, the top graduating girl. Then they find Cogboggle (a bad villager who likes trolling and stealing) and Brio (Breeze's father), and the rest of Team Runt! Brio tells them that they are to leave to Aetheria City for advanced training. Sir Elric Darkbane comes to escort Breeze safely to the capital, but the reason is unknown.

Later, Breeze and Runt are attacked by a shape-shifting shade, but Runt kills it, and hears it whisper, "Alyss...." Breeze claims she didn't hear anything, though. then Emerald reveals to him everything she knows, including that Kolb has the Critbringer, one of the great 12 weapons. The girls find a shop with old Shadowbrook armoury. Later on, they all achieve new abilities, like Lola can craft 3x3 without a crafting table! (Because in Minecraft in your inventory there's a 2x2 crafting area, but with Lola's ability, it's a 3x3 instead.)

When they return to Villagetown, however, they find it engulfed and attacked by void flames. Runt goes into a combat frenzy, killing everything in his path. Brio forges newly advanced armour for all the boys, and Runt gets Gemwrought mail. They head into war, where Breeze gets affected by Wither II arrow. She refuses to drink milk (because drinking milk in Minecraft get rid of all potion effects, like poison and regeneration, and Atheria is a Minecraft server), though and uses her ability Smoke Bomb to get away from Runt and hide. Runt, by pure luck, finds her, and she reveals that she has been hiding. Breeze is a Dusk-elf. Before Runt has time for questions though, they are attacked by a shade, who affects Breeze with Stun. Runt uses an ability called Clear Debuff, and kills the shade, then helps Breeze to her feet. She then drinks a disguise potion (that's why she refused to drink the milk in public), and they return toward the village. Runt then meets Eeebs (a cat thats not an ordinary cat...) but doesn't warm up to him yet. Brio reveals the truth to everyone in Villagetown, that they are Dusk Elves, and that Breeze is an elven countess. Her full name is "Lady Alyss Nightcrest". She is the highest elf noble living. She gives to Runt the Eventide, a powerful blade, handed down many elven generations. It ends off with Breeze announcing that she and Runt are in a relationship, or an "item," [facepalm] and Pebble lighting the beacon to protect the temple forever.


1 Non-Playable-Character

2 People who were playing on the Atheria server before the server crashed and ended up in the server phisically, the world that the story takes place in Minecraft.